Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We have all been fighting colds for about three weeks! the boys had minor ear infections and were put on amoxycillin, and then I had a disgusting sinus infection that WOULD. NOT. GO. AWAY. so our doctor put us on amoxycillin too. We are all finally feeling better and now I'm stressed out. In a moment of manic frenzy I signed up for my first craft fair on April 9. I've been plugging away but not as much as I should be. My friend Erin made a bunch of yummy candles, and I have been making peg dolls. We collaborated on these adorable fabric-clothed dolls that I hope everyone will want, and I'm making a bunch of animals to sell as well.

for my photography class we are doing black and white photography. I am struggling with this a lot because I am shooting in black and white and not converting it, and the pictures are all turning out kind of the same bland color. I've been successful in editing, but still it's frustrating.

this is what I want the sky to look like always, but for some reason it has only worked ONCE.



i was trying my new wide-angle macro lens... meh.

cropped kids playgroup
this was my first black and white. I really liked it :)

in home news, we broke our bandsaw (thanks for warranties!) and we need a shop BAD. i found and bought plans for a cute little 12x12 cottage and I really hope it works out that we can build it.